Welcome to my web site! Allow me to introduce myself, I am a Mom of three, yes you can count them, three teens. I am sane, or as close to sane as one can be with three teens in the house all scrimmaging for the remote controll. There are days when I think I am sane, and others when I'm convinced I'm not. The kids used to say I was psycic, now they say I am psychotic Seriously though, I am a mom, a wife, a friend, a researcher and writer. Although my passion is my children, I Love writing, and researching. This site is designed to introduce myself to you as a writer. I will eventually have pages of my work posted so it can be reviewed by potential clients. If you need any research done, or if you need a book edited, or a project written, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do. I work with my clients so they recieve exactly what they want. |